Mar 5th, 2011 Randall and Doc Dave B was Troy yardmaster today and did a great job. Steve, pouring over his paperwork, was the morning mill crew. Alan dispatched here for the first time, notice his refreshment next to the CTC panel, and almost had a perfect day. Damn long trains! Al took the Traffic Manager job. This was unexpected but appreciated. Grrrrr!! Neil, Doc and Ron in the Kootenai River area. Mike was the mill second half switch crew. This area does get crowded at times. Damn paperwork. Jule waiting for a train in the crew lounge. Shane was yardmaster for the session and Al was his second shift crew. Hauser action, well except for Al back there. After glow from the session. My call board Share this:Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window)Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window)Click to print (Opens in new window)